Pikes Peak

Pikes Peak
"Spacious Skies"
Showing posts with label Lake Griffin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lake Griffin. Show all posts

Sunday, March 7, 2021


Bunessan is a Gaelic tune that was first published in Lachlan Macbean's Songs and Hymns of the Gael (1888) as a setting for Mary Macdonald's carol "Child in the Manger."  The tune is named after Macdonald's birthplace on the Isle of Mull, Scotland.

Child in the Manger
Author: Mary Macdonald (1789-1872)
Translator:  L. Macbean (1888)

Child in the manger,
Infant of Mary;
Outcast and stranger,
Lord of all;
Child who inherits
All our transgressions,
All our demerits
On Him fall.

Once the most holy
Child of Salvation
Gently and lowly
Lived below'
Now as our glorious
Mighty Redeemer,
See Him victorious
O'er each foe.

Prophets foretold Him
Infant of wonder;
Angels behold Him
On His throne;
Worthy our Savior
Of all our praises;
Happy forever
Are His own.

Friday, March 5, 2021

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Lake Griffin A Place of Retreat

No swiming allowed due to a healthy population of alligators.  One of the largest lakes in Florida and used as a retreat for many ladies during the early spring.